Government of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics

(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation)

Page last modified on : 09/Nov/2023

How to file a Complaint

Complaints can be lodged by addressing the written communication/letter directly to the Commission or on Central Vigilance Commission's portal or through the Commission's website under the link "Lodge Complaint" on home page.

Complaints sent through written communication/letter should contain complete postal address (mobile/telephone number, if any) of the sender with specific details/information of the matter.
Further, Complaints may also be sent to Chief Vigilance Officer, DGCI&S, Kolkata, Vanijya Tathya Sadan, 565, Anandapur, Plot-22, Sector-I, Kolkata- 700107. Scanned copy of complaint containing complete postal address (mobile/telephone number, if any) of the sender with specific details/ information of the matter can be sent to 

It is to mention that any complaint will be processed further only after “Genuineness Verification” of the complainant as per the laid down procedures prescribed by Central Vigilance Commission.


How to file a Complaint