Government of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics

(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation)

Page last modified on : 19/Oct/2022

Report on Commodity Profiles

Commodity Profiles, featuring international trade and India’s exports and imports (and international trade prospects) of the commodity

►  India’s International Trade of Pharmaceutical Products-Medicaments,therapeutic, prophylactic use, in dosage or in forms or packaging for retail sale (ITCHS 3004) - Some Insight (new)

►  India’s International Trade of Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing two or three of the fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (ITCHS 3105) - Some Insights (new)

►  India's International trade of Petroleum oils and oils from bituminuous minerals, not crude... etc (ITCHS 2710) - Some Insights (new)

► India's International trade of Gold (including Goldplated with Platinum) - (ITCHS 7108) - Some Insights (new)

► India's International trade of Diodes, transistors, similar semiconductor devices, etc (ITCHS 8541) - Some Insights (new)

► India's International trade of Cells and batteries; primary, lithium (ITCHS 850650) - Some Insights (new)

► India's International trade of Telephone Sets and Apparatus - Some Insights

► India's International trade of Cotton in recent past - Some Insights

► India's International Trade of Carbon Black in Recent Past - Some Insights

► India’s International Trade of Coffee in the Recent Past – Some Insights

► India’s International Trade of Rubber in the Recent Past – Some Insights

► Report on Unit Values of Imports of Sports Goods

► Report on India's Export Trade of Milled Rice in the Recent Past -Aspects