Government of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics

(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation)

Page last modified on : 07/Feb/2018

Foreign Trade Statistics

Foreign trade data are captured on the basis of flows/movements of goods across the custom frontiers of India. The value of import is based on CIF, i.e. Cost,Insurance and Freight whereas the value of export is on FOB (Free on Board).

The Foreign Trade Statistics are released in three phases :
(1) Monthly Quick Estimates are released by fifteenth of the following month , (2) Principal Commodity level data is released within 30 days, and (3) Detailed 8-digit commodity level data are released within 60 days.
All these data are provisional and are dynamically revised till it is finalised on the basis of late receipt data.

Certain types of foreign trade such as foreign trade in treasure, currency notes &coins in circulation, articles warehoused under bond, foreign trade of neighbouring countries passing in transit through India (e.g., Bhutan transit trade) etc. are out of coverage of Foreign Trade Statistics. Other types of trade namely,Transshipment Trade, Passengers Baggages, Defence Goods, Diplomatic Goods, etc. are also excluded.