Government of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics

(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation)

Page last modified on : 05/Mar/2025

Indian Trade Journal

The Indian Trade Journal is being regarded as the standard medium of public advertisements in India. All tender documents , including related advertisements , may be sent to this office in MS-Word form through e-mail ( till Monday upto 6.00 PM for publication on that week's issue of ITJ (Published on every Wednesday).


  •  Tenders.
  •  Focus on International trade: An informative write-up published every week on a particular country with special reference to its trade with India.
  •  From our Embassies abroad: Provides information on recent policy changes and happenings in other countries that may be of interest to the Indian trading community.
  •  Commodity Exim update: Provides short glimpses of trade between India and the rest of the world in two imported and two exported commodities.
  •  Important Anti-dumping and other such relevant notifications.
  •  Issues in International Trade Environment: This fortnightly section contains news capsules downloaded from various world trade related sites, e.g., WTO, IMF, etc.


Editorial Authority: The D.G.C.I.S. is the editorial authority for the Indian Trade Journal.

Publisher: DGCIS

Periodicity: Weekly Journal, published every Wednesday.

Availability: Please visit www[dot]itj[dot]dgciskol[dot]gov[dot]in to access Indian Trade Journal using your web browser.

There are no charges for publishing of tender related advertisements in ITJ by Central and State Government Departments and Central and State PSUs.

Price Details
