Government of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics

(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation)

Page last modified on : 08/Jan/2024

Foreign Trade Statistics of India (Principal Commodities and Country)

The provisional foreign trade data releases on Principal commodity basket through India’s major ports. Data reported in this publication are quantum and value figure (in Rs Lakhs) for the current month, cumulative month i,e. April to Current month as well as corresponding figures for the previous year for better comparison. Data reported for previous year are final where as the same for current year is provisional and are subject to change during compilation of foreign trade data at 8-digit commodity code. Following 7 tables are reported in this publication.

  • India’s Import/Export of Principal Commodities.
  • India’s Import/Export of Principal Commodities by Countries.
  • India’s Import by /Export from Countries.
  • India’s Import from /Export to Countries by Principal commodities.
  • India’s Import/Export By Principal Ports.
  • India’s Import/Export ( Principal Port by Principal Commodities).
  • India’s Import/Export of Principal Commodities by Principal Ports.

Periodicity : Monthly

Availability :
Through Data Dissemination Portal, mentioned in Exim Data (Goods) in the Website

Office of the Director General, DGCI&S,
565, ANANDAPUR , WARD NO. 108, SECTOR – 1 , PLOT NO. 22, ECADP , KOLKATA – 700107.


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