Page last modified on : 16/Jul/2024
Category of Information
The following types of information are available in DGCI&S:
1. “Information pertaining to statistics compiled and publications that are brought out by DGCI&S regarding foreign trade and inland and coastal trade is available (1) Non-web based PIS and (2) ‘Foreign Trade Data Dissemination Portal’ linked as ‘Trade Data’ in website”.
It is mentioned that Transaction wise data is not supplied to any agency.
The payment towards the data cost is to be paid through Demand Draft only in favour of ‘Director General’, DGCI&S, Kolkata’, payable at any National or International Bank at Kolkata.
Note: The amount paid through the Demand Draft is non-refundable.
For further details contact
Shri Manish Kumar
CPIO/ Deputy Director
DGCI&S, 565, Anandapur, Ward No 108, Sector-I,
Plot No. 22, ECADP,
Phone No. 033 24434055/244034056/57 (4 lines), Extn-232
E-Mail: kmr [dot] manish [at] gov [dot] in
2. Information regarding trade opportunities and international trade environment, Matters regarding weekly publication of Indian Trade Journal and Directory of Indian Exporters and Directory of Indian Importers.
3 Information regarding Administrative issues like service matter etc.